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刘洁纯  王屏 《交通科技》2020,(1):88-91,105
运用高斯烟羽模型计算机动车尾气排放量,然后利用支付意愿法定量分析健康损失,同时考虑延误和健康损失构建考虑健康损失的路阻模型。根据实例,分别使用Transcad和新的路阻模型计算出2个路阻,并进行交通分配。结果显示2次交通分配的路网流量不同,表明考虑健康损失的路阻模型影响了人们的出行选择,可有效解决主干路拥挤,增加次干路车流量,协调整个路网车流量均衡,提高路网交通效率。  相似文献   
针对新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎)疫情防控中应急医疗物资调度不尽合理、集配中心中转效率不够高等问题,重新设计了重大突发公共卫生事件下城市应急医疗物资调度与配送体系,并给出了应急医疗物资的分类方法。从医疗物资使用需求和库存估计可使用时间2个维度构建需求点紧急度指标,考虑突发公共卫生事件特征,以加权的需求满足率最大化为主要目标、车辆行驶距离最小化为次要目标,构建应急医疗物资动态分配模型,并通过算例验证了模型的有效性和可行性。结果表明:所构建的模型能够兼顾医疗物资分配的公平和效率,符合突发公共卫生事件中应急医疗物资供给和需求的动态变化特性,确保在物资短时间供给不足的情况下各需求点也能公平获取一定比例的物资;且模型仅要求各需求点上报各种品类医疗物资的使用人数和库存量,同时模型还给出数据缺失时的自动计算办法,可操作性更强;运用紧急度指标对需求满足率最大化目标进行校正,解决了各需求点因需求量差异对公平分配造成的影响,使得应急医疗物资分配更加合理。研究成果结合了新冠肺炎疫情防控中应急医疗物资调度的具体过程,使得分配模型更符合实际需要,可为城市应急医疗物资优化调度提供决策依据。  相似文献   
在城市轨道交通的快速发展以及城市土地、电力资源稀缺的情况下,对城市轨道交通主变电所进行资源优化共享势在必行。按照主变电所资源优化共享的基本原则,结合既有主变电所共享的经验,提出目前在建线路的主变电所共享方案;对比不同共享方案的优缺点,分析共享后的可靠性和预期的经济效益,同时提出了共享方案实施过程中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   
港口与城市环境及资源的协调发展度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国港口和城市建设的不断发展,在生态环境和资源利用方面港城间的矛盾日益明显,如何协调两者之间的发展已成为目前迫切需要解决的课题。为此,以大连市为例,从建立港城协调发展度模型入手,对港口与环境及资源之间协调的程度进行评判,从而为指导港口和城市的可持续发展提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
直线电机轮轨交通系统因其工程造价低、线路适应性强等优势,被认为是资源节约型城市轨道交通先进模式。分析了日本、加拿大等直线电机地铁车辆的转向架、牵引和制动等技术的特点和性能,探讨了直线电机在城市轨道交通应用中的经济性和适用性。  相似文献   
The article presents a cascade control for the horizontal motion of a vehicle with single-wheel actuators. The outer control loop for the longitudinal and lateral accelerations and the yaw rate ensures a desired vehicle motion. By a combination of state feedback control and observer-based disturbance feedforward the inner control loop robustly stabilises the rotating and steering motions of the wheels in spite of unknown frictions between tyres and ground. Since the three degrees of freedom of the horizontal motion are affected by eight tyre forces, the vehicle considered is an over-actuated system. Thus additional control objectives can be realised besides the desired motion trajectory as, for example, a maximum in driving safety. The corresponding analytical tyre force allocation also guarantees real-time capability because of its relatively low computational effort. Provided suitable fault detection and isolation are available, the proposed cascade control has the potential of fault-tolerance, because the force allocation is adaptable. Another benefit results from the modular control structure, because it allows a stepwise implementation. Besides, it only requires a small number of measurements for control purposes. These measurements are the rotational speeds and steering angles of the wheels, the longitudinal and lateral acceleration and the yaw rate of the vehicle.  相似文献   
为推动专业内涵建设发展,各地区中等职业学校在打造品牌专业的过程中着力推动优质教学资源库的共建共享。然而,有些专业在共享型教学资源库建设过程中遇到不少问题和困难,制约了专业教学和人才培养质量。本文就中职焊接品牌专业共享型教学资源库框架内容、设计原则、应用成效等进行了相关探究,以期为更多中职学校提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The new vehicle platforms for electric vehicles (EVs) that are becoming available are characterised by actuator redundancy, which makes it possible to jointly optimise different aspects of the vehicle motion. To do this, high-level control objectives are first specified and solved with appropriate control strategies. Then, the resulting virtual control action must be translated into actual actuator commands by a control allocation layer that takes care of computing the forces to be applied at the wheels. This step, in general, is quite demanding as far as computational complexity is considered. In this work, a safety-oriented approach to this problem is proposed. Specifically, a four-wheel steer EV with four in-wheel motors is considered, and the high-level motion controller is designed within a sliding mode framework with conditional integrators. For distributing the forces among the tyres, two control allocation approaches are investigated. The first, based on the extension of the cascading generalised inverse method, is computationally efficient but shows some limitations in dealing with unfeasible force values. To solve the problem, a second allocation algorithm is proposed, which relies on the linearisation of the tyre–road friction constraints. Extensive tests, carried out in the CarSim simulation environment, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
铁路罐式集装箱空箱调配优化模型及遗传模拟退火算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对罐式集装箱运输的特殊性,考虑重箱流和空箱流调配的综合优化,以罐箱运输费用最小为目标,建立铁路罐式集装箱空箱调配优化多商品网络流模型,并构造了1种嵌入模拟退火操作的遗传算法对之进行求解。为了使模型与算法可得到更符合实际、操作性更强的结果,给出了3种空罐箱调配的策略,作为隐含条件加入到算法求解过程中。利用自适应遗传模拟退火算法对随机生成的实际规模问题算例进行求解,并与用通用代数建模系统软件GAMS的计算结果进行对比。结果表明,前者得出的结果与最优解差距不大,而且运算速度更快,更能满足解决实际问题的需要,为铁路罐箱调配优化提供了良好的决策支持模型和算法。  相似文献   
探讨了立足"湖北制造"区域经济特色,依托先进资源管理平台,构建共享、开放型数控技术专业资源库的目标、思路、内容、步骤、规格等核心问题。提出了涵盖2个专业方向、针对15门核心课程、兼顾3个学习层次、打造7个特色模块,建设8种类型资源包、设计多种表现形式的资源库建设方案,以此推动专业建设和课程建设,满足教与学不同方面、多种层次的需求。  相似文献   
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